About Me

I like to say that I'm a mathematician who pretends to be a physicist sometimes, although I'd never convince the physicists of that.

I'm a universitetslektor (Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor) at Luleå University of Technology working geometric analysis, which is essentially the intersection of PDEs and Riemannian geometry.

Most of my research is motivated by general relativity, where the application of geometric analysis to such problems is often described as the field of mathematical general relativity, or mathematical relativity. I am particularly interested in geometric inequalities for black holes, and the problem of quasi-local mass.

Prospective postdocs: I do not have direct access to research funds to hire a postdoc, however there are some schemes available to apply for funding to create positions. I would be happy to apply for such positions with a competitive candidate whose research aligns with my own.
If this interests you, please don't hesitate to contact me :)
Photo of a crane by the harbour

Prior to moving to Luleå, I spent some time working at Uppsala University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, inlcuding some time while I was formally employed by the University of Regensburg (Germany). Although I am originally from Scotland, I moved to Australia when I was a kid and completed all my studies there including my PhD at Monash Universty under the supervision of Robert Bartnik. Before moving to Sweden I also held my first academic position in Australia, at the University of New England.

Email me at stephen dot mccormick at ltu.se.

Recent News:

• June 2024 - New preprint on arXiv: arxiv.org/abs/2406.09101

• I have been elected to the Swedish National Committee for Mathematics

Find Me Online

You can find me here on Google Scholar or arXiv. You can also follow me on Twitter (@Quasilocal) where I try to post light-hearted mathematics and physics but inevitably get sucked into discussions on current issues.


Below is a list of my publications, which can also be found on Google Scholar.


Current students are directed to Canvas for course teaching information

I will not maintain up-to-date teaching information here, but each term I usually am teaching one of the four core math courses at LTU -- most often if it is the X-th quarter/term (LP X) then I will be teaching one instance of Math X, for X=1, 2, 3, 4.
As of 2024, I am responsible for M0018M - Linear Analysis.

I will hopefully clean up my lecture notes and slides at some point in the near future to make them available here. [Under Construction]

PhD/Masters/Research Opportunities

There is no general funding available to support research positions, so these will only be available when explicitly advertised.

There are however various national and international schemes designed to externally fund PhD and postdoctoral positions. If someone would like to apply to funding through such a scheme to work in geometric analysis or mathematical general relativity, then I would be happy to discuss that.

Although we do not have a specific Master's programme in mathematics at LTU, I may be available for Master's supervision in a closely related subject.


Below are some other documents that you might be looking for.

Assorted Documents

Curriculum Vitae

PhD Thesis